AA3 – Emotional Needs Audit (ENA)

ENAlogo1Individual needs – you are special

Each of us has a set emotional needs, which when satisfactorily met, mean that we will not suffer from unhealthy stress and all the angst, and the costs that can come with it.

Stressors and their impacts can be different for each of us. After the initial stress assessment, an audit of a person’s emotional needs is the start of making the therapeutic coaching sessions personalised.

Straightforward to use and request

The Emotional Needs Audit (ENA) is a simple and straightforward means to review where you are at currently. Once the tool has been used, not only is the coaching more focused, but you will have a long term means to assess where you are at any future point of time. This enables you to take heathy remedial action, before the stress becomes overwhelming.

The ENA is easy to use. Simply email me with your request on the link below and I will send you a link. All you need do is rate how well you think each emotional need is currently being met in your life by selecting a rank from 1 to 7.

What does it mean?

If, in answering the questions, your scores are mostly low, you are likely to be suffering unhealthy stress with negative impacts. If any question is scored 3 or less this is likely to be a major stressor for you.

Even if only one question is marked very low it can be enough of a problem to seriously affect your emotional health and wellbeing. If your scores are low seek my support, so that you can start to help yourself!

Please send me an ENA Keith

PS if you would like the Mental Well-being Appraisal (MWA) too please state so in your message to me.


* Individual client data is gathered before assessment and at each subsequent session by self-administration using web based ‘pragmatic tracker’ software (from the ‘Manyother’ team), either remotely via email link or on arrival at the office.

** This audit is not intended as psychological or psychiatric diagnosis, but is intended to help you discover your own needs

About Abzie - Keith Abrahams

Abzie is my public profile for personally commenting on the way in which our society is structured & governed, that is the social contract. Keith has been a Managing and Finance Director, and alongside being a portfolio director and adult educator, who encourages each of us to express individually, whilst working together in mutuality, with our community and with the organisations that structure our world, for shared peace and wealth. My passion is for community in which I volunteer as a therapist with PTSD sufferers & in a social enterprise, encouraging small businesses to thrive. All views expressed are my own.
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